There has been a sequence of bridges over the River Salzach at Laufen/Obendorf close to Salzburg, since at least the 12th Century. The most recent timber structure was washed away by floods in 1920. Highwater embankments have been added in recent years to protect the town from flooding and a new bridge was commissioned by invited competition in 2004. The bridge creates a link between Germany and Austria as the national boundaries have followed the Salzach River since 1945. The original bridges were on axis with the main street of the old town. Because the raised embankments have cut off this visual relationship, HRA proposed to alter the line of the bridge to follow the axis of an 18th century baroque steps and chapel on a hill on the opposite bank. This shift in axis will also allow pedestrians to get a good view of the old piled foundations still visible at low water level. The bridge is 135 metres wide. The completed works include the access ramp and steps to the south and a restoration and partial reinstatement of the baroque statue and public stairs on the northern side.